I was travelling around the world decade. There are incredible landscapes, and those wild nature makes me contemplate how humans should be for preserving nature and living -beings on earth. I started living a sustainable lifestyle as much as possible, and I concluded that changing our consciousness, and dropping our greediness are the most effective way to make the world a better place.





My first visit to Ibiza was in 2002 and I came back again in 2005. I was supposed to stay for just a week, then stayed for three months accidentally. Since then, I came back to Ibiza every year, being in and out during my nomadic traveling life. After all, I started living magnetically in Ibiza in 2011, with a crystal clear blue sea, and rocks we can watch the sunrise from the sea and sunset, and there is the music scene, a lot of musicians, hip parties and conscious events. I realized that Ibiza has everything I love. So that’s why I am here.
